slore liquor permit in Bridge: port's Lafayette Mopping drew opposition yesterday package store operators 'In the Park City's downtown 'area, as well as from package store am) restaurant owner organizations in that i The heaving, conducted by the State Liquor control cnmiiuasiuii, dcrtlt with an application bj, Walgreen's Drag store for a permit. to sell ilqUur at its Lafayette Plaza store for off-premises can-snninllon. If p.rnnled, the appli cation would allow the first liquor outlet in the huge shopping (Continued on Page Four) The Weather Dpln 'tmm HatlDfiol Sirvlo BRIDGEPORT AND VICINITY and mild today with rain likely; highest In the low 40s. Turning colder tonight with rain gradually tapering off io scattered snow Flurries; lowest in Ihe JOs. Variable cloudiness, windy and cold tomorrow; highest around The probability of precipitation 60 per cent tniJny and 40 per cent lonighl.
South to southwest winds today at IS to 25 miles an hour with higher TEMPERATURE Highest: yesterday Lowest yesteraay tin The Bridgeport Telegram Weather Forecast Fairfield Morning Newspaper RAIN LIKELY TODAY WINDY, COLD WEDNESDAY VOL, LXXX, eond Claw PeMote BRIDGEPORT, TUESDAY MORNING, JANUARY 26, 1971 '52 Pages When Present Lists Expire V- Board Votes End Of Merit Tests to Fill School Posts By H. SIDNEY FOLSOM Board of-Education voted last night nr. iter.tiom to Civil Service exams as the basis for future -promotions. school system, once the present list? expire, 'It" voted to' start considering, Bridgeport" school! personnel as well as Bridf cpc r- mcl to fill) such posts. Naval Ammo Depot Blast Kills 3 Men MrALESTER, Ohio (Al'l meh were killed nr.d these ''nlhdrs ihj-jfed roxot-in an 'explosion at Ihe Ammunition Depot smith of McAlester.
The heald of 'the. employe serv: ic-s at the bass. Harvey Brasher, said "At. 7:32 p.iri.' an explosion destroyed the deactivation fiimnrc and facility at Buiiding Personnel in the liuilding Were Involved'" In' the of projectiles by burning in the'deaetiva-tlbn' furnace. "Three Men were rescued from debris.
and to McAlester General for treatment. "'-V "The bodies of-three persons have been recovered. Names are being' withheld pehdlng no- tifii of I "All were' civilian employes of the. Cause it. the explosion has: not determined at this One of the three injured-linen underwent hospital said, and' the.
other men were treated for All were reported in' snlisfnc-torv An investigation "was under way. Lafayette Plaza Liquor Plan Gets Flak at Hearing BY ALAN E. SCHOENIIAUS HARTFORD A -nubile hciir-Inn on an application for a drug Mrkmlcy ManB Hold: for i vmcancy s.s princips of Moo in ley elementary school from tb present. Civil Service list expressed by E. Stanton Kennedy head of the.
School bo a ids spec committee on (lie The UP lor iWU Idiilnlt i vote. Mr. Kennedy appblntmen't' Cnn icaiise of. pending Abandonment Civil berries promotions quiok" oppOsi- ion from the Bridgeport -Education association. The issued an immediate statement saying it -go; to court if necessary to retain the.
Civil Service promotion system, noelnr the BEA contract. president' William F. O'Kiien called -the. group's executive' -board to' .3.1 emergency meeting tomorrow to draft BBA delt-nnto assembly. The latter' group is meeting rhnrsririy on sumo previous points in with the school administration.
Mr. board's ac tion as "ill considered, prompted by 'advisers. Ruling by Caldwell The board '-received a ruling fro'mlClty Attorney Edward" Caldwell saying the five teachers" on "the- present. Civil Sir-vice cliPihilltv hst rate- gory have vo.sted rights which nntJt be honored, BUt hli. ruling, while citing rights of Who won a place on a Civil appointment lls-l 1:" the School tooifrl chose to have "me created, said-it'is op tional for the board to.
ask Civil Service i for such lists-in the (list place." Thus the School-board cat tabllsh some, other, process (or naming tuiure .11 snes, tataweii He said the board isn't required by law Id" use Clyil-' Service. Mr, caiaweti diant cement on the. expiration date of the present (Continued on Page Four) and sets 5:01 p.m. I dares that It is ready here and 1 AP BUILDING COELAPSCS-Daiisling ruins are shown of wing of 11 IB-story apartment hiUding under onnstrurtlnn which eoilapsedi Monday in Boston. Four construction workers were unaccounted tnr und -throe others were slightly injured in the collapse.
A fire department spokesman said Ihe remaining structuti appcared'weakened and leaning. Residents in nearby apartment buitiiings were ornerecr 10 leave, tttetr (Story on Page Six). 0 -o Fairfield RTM Cuts School Funds Plea Ry I I M.hl Sl'il The' Fairfield Board of: F.dn-cat.on received -ailolher setback in- its fiscal "npemtloiis last nigo-t when tlie RTJil cut $50,000 from ah approprlatloh request of whicli had" been recommended by the Finance board, to cover IB 1 enf Ilscal year ibiidgeta to' appropriate pnly. 'Wstsimadc-by Robert-P. Shcn ,1, meeting In Qrasmcre school after he tlie RTM finance committee ireporl which (avared the cut by a seven ta'oiie margin, No.reasoli was advanced-by Mr, Shea" for cut.
William. RTM mem', bcr, save his reason for summit ing the cut. He said last night New Evidence of Perils For Cigarette Smokers the past 18 nioirths, particularly in the. areas of heart disease and strengthens the medical case against cigarettes, the Public Health-Service said Monday. A bulky, report by the surgeon general tn Congress Indicates government doctors arc increasingly convinced cigarette smoking causes or contrib utes to heirt and blood vessel Saigon Proposal tn Hanoi disease, liing- disabilities, some cancers, tusorocrs ni and peptic ulcer.
A tobacco industry spoltcsman said the report contains much conflicting evidence and accused" the surgeon general slighting studies that cast doubt on nnxs oetwccn smoKing aim report is the latest nf four supplements to the surgeon gen- (Cnnllnued on Page Four) Prisoner Swap Offered, Including Yank Airmen SAIGON (AP) The South iVietnamese government pro mised today that it and Norm 'I Vietnam release immediately ind wounded prisoners of war, including American air men held in the iMortn. In a statement, the South Highest year rxhc- government of the Lowest year 1Sf Republic of Vietnam proposes Yesterday -0" i days after the South Vietnamese For Month i ViPinam-who express -'rclcas'ed 3V sick Barometer (8 p.m. reading) JJ.M.Jj'J™1 'TdJased the Ud disabled North Vietnamese Humidity tii Mnrth nil muucia iliuis uic lieu THE TIDE River at the 17th. parallel dlvld- a.m. High a.m.
North and South Vietnam. p.m. f.1. itwl Lam Ea'd sick and wounded 4:18 Low n-ii um sine release immeoiaiciy mi 4.54 p.m. a'" p-m- sick and wounded Vietnamese Tuesday, January aliied prisoners nf war." Today is the twenty sixth Foreign Minister Tran Van Of the year and the said, "The government (if day of winter.
The sun rises at (he Republic of Vietnam de- 7:10 a now to welcome all prisoners. of war released by tlie aulliofitics 01 the. North. In vlcw.ot. tne dilion o( the' sick and wounded prisoners of eminently desirable that -the other promptly give its agreement so that the Torig- intcrnhient o( tho prisoners ol war on both sides can be ended in the shortest possible time." The new proposal came two jPOWs held by South Vietnam intiuuc i.ior rtei Long, North Vietnamese and nn spe-cial cases" who he said were South Vietnamese who North for training and then (Continued on Page Four) ihe- RTM biirlpns.
to1 rover all expenditures inciuaing teacners satancs, 'Where lo Charles, O'Uhry, chairman ofi the Board' 'of Education, (old the RTM ho did- riot know- where the. school board, would cut tb. mnite up the additional $50,000 ihd-expressed; the hope that "setv sitive ar.eas"- would not bt touch cd: W- He Ihere am members ii: school board and all might nave -nil rcrent opinions on come. 1 accounts the money would Shea's amendment to the original resolution reducing the (Continued em Page Four) Features lor Everybody In 1 clegram Hay Page Chef Marian 20 Classified Ads 26-31 tiomics 21 Crossword Puzzle 24 19 torlals Fashions. 19 Financial News 22-23 Polly's Painters Jacoby Bridge Lawrence E.
Obituaries '25 Sports 12- SVl.via Porter 16 Theater News TV and Radio 20 Women's' News BEGINNING BALLERINA of five, the eround can be a through exercises al pre-ballct cent. Jury Finds Manson And Cohorts Guilty First Degree Verdict May Mean Death ANGELES (AP) Charles Mans'tra, shaggy leader of cult-like clcn of hippie types, was convicted Monday 01 first-degree murder- and cdh-spiruuy ulung with three followers in the savage slayings of actress Sharon Tate, and six others. -1 The state said it wili ask the death penalty for all. The defendants, who staged wild outbursts during their seven-month trial, sat passively as verdicts we're returned oh the 11 counts against them. Shouts at Judge After jurors were polled, Man-son muttered audibly, referring lo ttiem: "I thinTi they're all After the.
-verdicts were all in! he shouted at Ihe Judge: 'We're still not allowed to! put ordering the killings to touch off a race war nc oeneven was Heralded In a Beatles song, after which he (ixpected lo lake over power. Other defendants: Susan Atkins, 22; Patricia Krenwinkel, 23; and 'Leslie Van Houten, 2). Miss Van Houten was charged with conspiracy in all the kill- (Continued on Page Three) long, way nway as Erin ncnise at Ihe La Mess CONVICTED OF FIRST DEGREK MURDER-Charles Man son, left, and three women members of Road Widening Iii Fairfield Gets 30-Foot Limit Commissioner George 1. Conk-ling, of tlie Slate Department ol Transportation has made known I hat tihe slate is dropping original plans for the Widening of Nnnh Benson road to a width or 40 feet and instead will- design a road width not lo exceed feet. The present width is about 71 feel, The commissioner made" known (he new plans at a conference last wceit with Fairfield's three Republican stale representatives, Joseph Gorniley, Harry Wcni and Roy il.
Ervin and confirmed It yesterday with a teller received by the Ihrcc legislators. -In his letter, Com truss onci Conklinp, ivlio earlier Ibis month hod indicated that a width or less, than 40 feci would be designed lor the road, said: "As We discussed, wc wili design Ihe road Improvement so that It will slay Within a width." Tlie high crown on a portion of the road, will be eliminated. "This Improvement project will require that We rcimivc 40 lo- Gff trees along the roadside," he said, "However, it is the policy of the department to replace every tree Lhat we remove. There will bc na loss of Irces along the road." Will Have Hearing Commissioner Conklliig said he intends. to hold a public hearing.
(Ins project so that all citizens (Continued on Page you're a physical fitness a physical huiE of 59 nr fledgling ballerina Rife, 5, discovers while straining center in ban oirgn, response to a follow up by the council- on Uct; 23, 1U70, ol- a complaint written in 19GS, HUD Wrote to tlie city in March 10T0 regnrding the complaint, but city action apparently din not satisfy the council. The investi gators reportedly met with city olliciais on Friday. Back 'Suburban Aclion' In addition to hearing of the the e.v.-iUitro- rum mittec of the council voted io support Suburban Action, a profit; White Plains, group which Is trying to open Up suburbs to lower income housing man is currently available there. Several other matters were also considered. all-day meetings with signers of (he cDinplaiiits last Wednesday," Mr.
Rutkln said that jiuli oiticiais 1010 Mm 01 the possibility of forming what could be described as a citywide advocate planning lion i d. As Mr, Rutkin explained it, if HUD finds that there Is Inade quate cltiien participation under certain circ*mstances, they will set up a citizens committce and fund it for a planner and an en gineer. in no way, Mr. KutKin (Continued on Pago Four) revenues with stales and cities made clear they dislike the pro posal. And they told the Presi.
dent how they feci, They ere Rep. Wilbur his hippie-style elan; on a defense vou won't outlive were convicted in Lbs Angeles of first degree murder an conspiracy In. Ihe savage aelrest Sharon Tale ind tha' old man six The women, from loll, are Susan Atkins, Patricia Kren wlnkel and: Leslie Van ihnt old The jury of uiei unci Women, who had deliberated 42 hours and minutes since re ceiving the case Jan. li, was ur- dcrea. to return 10 court" bc a a.m.
for the penalty phase of the They will con tinue be -sequesterea. The prosecutor said he has about 50 witnesses ready for Ihe penalty The defense has said it'will put on a case as long or loncer than the store sec tng inc. imprisonment instcau ui the oeatn penalty nn a coniun-llofi there still Is doubt as lo Death or life Imprisonment arc the only possible verdicts lor convictions on first-degree murder. Jury Musi Return California inw the same jury that returns a first-degree murder-conspiracy conviction must meet again at a second trial lo fix the penalty, Had the verdict been sccond-tlc-grce murder, the penalty would have been an automatic fivcl years to life and there would havelieen 110 penalty trial, The defendants were chtirged. with murder-conspiracy In the August 1900 sluyings of the benuliful actress and four visitors lo her mansion, and in the killings night later of a wealthy merchant couple.
Manson, 30, was accused of Officials of HUD Are Probing City Housing Council Plaints By ROBERT L. DESPRES Officials from the Hartford area office of the U.S. Department-of Urban Development are investigating complaints by the Greater Bridgeport 'Houiiag council- concerning, lack of citizen participation, proposed high' detiiittes in; Cetiit'eu Plaxa and need for low income housing in urban-'renewal efforts here. Hie Investigation came lo light Inst nigltt when Arnold Rulkln chairman of GB1IC, laid the ex ccutive committee of his group that HUD investigators had met last Wednesday With those-Who had signed the HUD Investigators arrived in Fairfield Girl Among Suspects Motorcycle Club Raided; 5 Held on Gun Charges WATERBURY Police ided a motorcycle club's headquarters- Monday and ar rested two. men and three women on weapons charges and said one of the rifles they.selted had been stolen' ln 10C3, The club is known as tlie' Grateful Dead, In all," police said, they seized one with ba'r-I sowed two atilo-loadihgl Mills, cliairman of House Ways and Means Com- mitice, and itep.
jonn w. Byrnes, the top minority member, Without the commit tee's hacking, tho-revenue prn- posal would have a hard time. getting on tne grounri. Mills and Byrnes were nmoisg many congressional leaders who met Monday with the President In one of a series ot hrietings Their views didn't jibe with those of House Republican Leader Gerald Ford of Mich igan, who voiced optimiim over ,22 rifles, a. caliber rifle, several knives" and -One' -of -the rifles a sIlencerYattache'd; police said.
FBI agents were notified' be cause possession of a shotgun, and silencers are both federal poliCB said. tne suspects were -Identified (Continued on Page Four) Goodwill Slates Opening Gf First Day Care Center The city's first full-service child day care center will open Mon- day'in'the Goodwill rehabilitation center, the Rev. Joseph iJoui-iot, Goodwill executive director, announced last night at the annual- of the service Tlie center will open with .10 children or mothers who are currently enrolled in Goodwill's many job training courses and have been by the State under the Aid, to Families': With! Dependent. Children act. The.
center wili offer, pre-sehoot youngsters from 3 to 5 a program' designed background deficiencies that (Continued Page Four) Nixon's Revenue-Sharing Plan Runs Into Mighty Opposition WASHINGTON (AP) While President Nixon intensified efforts with congressional leaders Monday In behalf of his "new American Revolution," one of his major proposals Tan into formidable House opposition. The two men who will have a dominant voice in deciding! whether and how Congress ap proves the sharing of federal the revenue-sharing prospects. Mills ana nyrnes met privately with the President. They said they would give a hearing to the proposal to plow back to the states and local governments SIS billion in Federal revenues. No time was set for the lengthy hearings to get under way.
"I am perfectly willing lo have hearings, hut not for the purpose of promoting the plan the purpose of killing It," Mills told newsmen. He added that he does not op- (Coniuwed tn Page Three).