Afrikan contribution to international relations theory: an Afrocentric philosophical enquiry (2024)

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The academic field of IR has been haunted by its Westerncentric philosophical founding masters. This has consequently led almost the overall (if not the entire) literature, of this particular academic discipline, to have become a typical platform wherein the Eurocentric driven master-narratives have become consolidated, as the norm. The interrogation of pedagogy thus led to concerns of indoctrination, as a direct result of the dogmatic views (as specifically derived and driven by the literature of Western philosophy), which overtime has informed the bulk of IR (theory) literature. Themes of racism, dynamics introduced by the role of language, sexism, (Feminism, gender, patriarchy) even the age factor of authoritative IR theorists, amongst other factors, are thus brought afore and engaged in detail, hopefully not in an overly complex manner.

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The Imhotep Journal (ISSN 2160-6188)

lmhotep Journal

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Tarik A . Richardson, Ph.D., Autumn Raynor, Naaja Rogers

. 30 years ago, in January 1989, the Imhotep Graduate Student Journal was first published as a platform to explore global African phenomena. This year’s addition seeks to continue the tradition of stimulating discourse and critical thought from a new generation of graduate students and young professionals. Although initially created as an outlet for graduate students at Temple University’s Department of Africology and African American Studies, the journal welcomes quality submissions from graduate students and recent graduates from post-bachelor programs.

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In the 1990s, the political tradition of Afrocentrism came under attack in the Western academy, resulting in its glaring omission from most genealogies of Black thought today. This is despite the fact that Afrocentrism had roots dating back to the 15th century, shaping movements like Pan-Africanism and Négritude. It is also despite the fact that the tradition resulted in important cornerstones of Black American life: the holiday of Kwanzaa, the discipline of Black Studies, and independent Afrocentric schools. This essay revisits Afrocentrism as a foundation for the Black Radical Tradition. It argues that Afrocentrism presupposed the relationship between Blackness and Africa to be the central problem for emancipatory thought. Re-embracing Africa not only meant resistance; it targeted the originary thread of political modernity itself–that is, the separation of Blackness from Africa.

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The purpose of this autoethnography is to explore the impact on learning for a delineated cultural and ethnographic student population when the instructional process is interwoven with a plethora of student-reflective cultural and ethnic information and knowledge gained through the process of in plethora of knowledge and valuable information of retelling rich stories of students, parents, teachers, and stakeholders conveyed from an emancipatory perspective. I believe that these stories can assist in improving the educational conditions of children of African descent in the United States and the diaspora. Throughout my life, I have wondered about the absence of my history and culture in textbooks, media, economics, the medical industry, the military, and the educational system. As a young male child of African descent growing up in the state of Mississippi, I can recall my mother telling me that I would always ask questions about society because the educational system never seemed ri...

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Pre-slave trade and pre-colonial Africa in the historical consciousness of African-Americans and African migrants in the USA

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Dmitri Bondarenko

African Americans, who are descendants of slaves forcibly brought from Africa to America hundreds of years ago, and contemporary voluntary African migrants to the USA do not form a single “black community”. This statement contradicts the claims of many Black Nationalist movements from the nineteenth century onwards, which argued that all black people are “brothers and sisters” because they share common spirituality and have a common cause that demands their joint action all around the world. However, based on evidence collected in seven states in 2013 – 2015, African Americans and contemporary African migrants appear to have different historic memories of pre-slave trade and pre-colonial Africa. Furthermore, the two groups identify different events as key to its history. Many members of both groups do not feel that they share a common “black history”. To some extent, the idea of a shared history acts to unite Africans and African Americans as victims of long-lasting white domination. However, in the final analysis, the collective historic memory of both groups works more to separate them from each other by generating and supporting contradictory or even negative images of mutual perception. In general, the relations between African Americans and recent African migrants are characterized by simultaneous mutual attraction and repulsion of two magnets. While they understand that among all ethno-racial communities in the country, they, as well as African Caribbeans, are the closest to each other, myriads of differences cause mutual repulsion. This attraction-repulsion effect is, in significant part, due to the differences in historic memory of African Americans and recent African migrants in the USA.

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Journal of Black Studies

The Afrocentric Paradigm

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Reinforcing The Afrocentric Paradigm: a theoretical project

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Thomas Kuhn's 1962 groundbreaking work, The Scientific Revolution, established the process for creating, and the components of, a disciplinary paradigm. This "scientific revolution" has evolved to become the standard for determining a field's claim to disciplinary status. In 2001 and 2003, Ama Mazama, used Kuhn's model to establish the disciplinary status of Africology, through the categorical structuring of the Afrocentric Paradigm. Though her work conclusively made the claim that Africology is a legitimate academic discipline, still more work remained in effort to meet other criterion set forth by Kuhn. Through the use of content analysis, this work extends Mazama's work by addressing four additional areas of paradigm development that was established by Kuhn: (1) the scientific revolutionary moment for the discipline; (2) the nature of consensus among the scholars of the discipline; (3) the intellectual identity of the discipline's scholars; and (4) t...

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Afrikan contribution to international relations theory: an Afrocentric philosophical enquiry (2024)


Has Africa got anything to say African contributions to the theoretical development of international relations? ›

This article argues that International Relations (IR) theory has much to learn from African experiences and African scholarship. The African context provides novel political, cultural, social and economic experiences and knowledge that can and should inform IR theory and encourage its further development.

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However, with African IR, we refer to theories that draw from African experiences. That is, derived from African experiences based on methodologies that centered on 'Africa' as the subject, a voice and locus of enunciation based on its histories, epistemologies, and worldviews.

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IR theory helps describe how policy makers see the world and how this influences policy making. Theory influences their perspectives and inform their biases and thus, deserve study and analysis. Three predominant schools of thought attempt to explain the way states behave: realism, liberalism, and constructivism.

What is the philosophical approach to the study of international relations? ›

The philosophy of international relations – or more precisely its political philosophy – embraces problems about morality in diplomacy and war, the justice of international practices and institutions bearing on economic welfare and the global environment, human rights, and the relationship between sectional loyalties ...

What is Africa's greatest contribution to the world? ›

The earliest human inventions such as the hand-axe and manipulating fire originated in Africa. People in Africa developed inventions used up to the modern day, including fish hooks, bows and arrows, and boats. The most important center of learning in the ancient world was the library of Alexandria in Egypt.

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Chinua Achebe's novel “Things Fall Apart” is widely regarded as one of the most important works of African literature and has had a significant impact on world literature.

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The Out of Africa theory maintains that hom*o sapiens evolved from a group of hom*o erectus in Africa that then subsequently spread out throughout Africa, Asia, Europe, replacing all of the other less evolved human cousins, including hom*o erectus and Neanderthals.

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In paleoanthropology, the recent African origin of modern humans or the "Out of Africa" theory (OOA) is the most widely accepted model of the geographic origin and early migration of anatomically modern humans (hom*o sapiens).

What is Africana critical theory or black existential philosophy? ›

In this article, the author argues that Africana critical theory or Black existential philosophy is the philosophical discourse that critiques domination and affirms the empowerment of Black people in the world.

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Major Theories of International Relations. There are many theories of international relations, and they can be classified in different ways. One common way is to divide them into three broad categories: realism, liberalism, and constructivism.

What is the most popular international relations theory? ›

Realism or political realism has been the dominant theory of international relations since the conception of the discipline. The theory claims to rely upon an ancient tradition of thought which includes writers such as Thucydides, Niccolò Machiavelli, and Thomas Hobbes.

What is the critical theory of IR? ›

Critical international relations theory is a diverse set of schools of thought in international relations (IR) that have criticized the theoretical, meta-theoretical and/or political status quo, both in IR theory and in international politics more broadly – from positivist as well as postpositivist positions.

What is the world theory of international relations? ›

Within the study of international relations, there exists multiple theories seeking to explain how states and other actors operate within the international system. These can generally be divided into the three main strands of realism, liberalism, and constructivism.

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A philosophical approach is a method of inquiry that relies on philosophical principles and concepts to investigate and understand complex phenomena. Such approaches often involve a meticulous and methodical examination of assumptions, concepts, and arguments in order to uncover t.

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Realism is a straightforward approach to international relations, stating that all nations are working to increase their own power, and those countries that manage to horde power most efficiently will thrive, as they can easily eclipse the achievements of less powerful nations.

What are the contributions of the African Union to the development of Africa? ›

The African Union plays an indispensable role in fostering unity and cooperation among African nations. While challenges remain, the AU's initiatives in areas like peacekeeping, free trade, and public health provide a vital framework for collective African action.

What is the contribution of Africa to the theory of human evolution? ›

Humans first evolved in Africa, and much of human evolution occurred on that continent. The fossils of early humans who lived between 6 and 2 million years ago come entirely from Africa. Most scientists currently recognize some 15 to 20 different species of early humans.

What are three ways in which Africa has contributed to world civilization? ›

We can see the connection between Africa and Civilization in these 5 African contributions to world Civilization:
  • NUMBER 1 – Populating The Planet. ...
  • Number 2 – Writing. ...
  • Number 3 – Medicine. ...
  • Number 4 – Mathematics. ...
  • Number 5 – Religion & Science.
Jan 30, 2023

What is the greatest contribution that Africa can make to the peace of the world? ›

The greatest contribution that Africa can make to the peace ofthe world is to avoid all the dangers inherent in disunity, bycreating a political union which will also by its success, standas an example to a divided world. A Union of African states willproject more effectively the African personality.


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Name: Tyson Zemlak

Birthday: 1992-03-17

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Introduction: My name is Tyson Zemlak, I am a excited, light, sparkling, super, open, fair, magnificent person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.